Here is the "lay" of what we're up to this year, with a little twist when it hits the reality of the playa.
We're going to be where we normally are at about 9:45 and either street A (Adapt) or B (Biology).
You can check the map here on the Bman Site and download one for yourself in .pdf formatt: http://www.burningman.com/preparation/maps/09_maps/
The Easy Way to Find Camp
Thanks to our brother Steve with the Blue Buddha Bus there will be a very simple way to find our camp on the playa:
Look for a 10' weather balloon attached to a 500' + foot tether. Flying from the sphere will be around 150 colorful flags, some of which are 20' in length.
Regardless of where you are on the playa, you will be able to experience prayer in action simply by looking for the colorful sway of reverent peaceful glory touched by nature's whim that will penetrate the stratosphere like Jack And The Bean Stalk.
Look for a 10' weather balloon attached to a 500' + foot tether. Flying from the sphere will be around 150 colorful flags, some of which are 20' in length.
Regardless of where you are on the playa, you will be able to experience prayer in action simply by looking for the colorful sway of reverent peaceful glory touched by nature's whim that will penetrate the stratosphere like Jack And The Bean Stalk.